09 April 2013


Yesterday when I left work, it was beautiful outside.  I cheerfully climbed in my car, opened the sunroof and cranked the radio as I drove home.  If you've heard the song "Cruise" by Florida Georgia Line... that's how I felt.  Midway home, I had a "moment" and burst into tears.  I had a flashback to last summer when, in all of my "pregnant-with-baby-number-two" glory, I spent countless warm and sunny evenings "crusing" home from work with the windows down, my hair blowing in the wind and likely looking like an idiot to passers-by as I sang along to the radio.  I didn't know that in a few short weeks my world was going to come crashing down around me.. fortunately we've picked up the pieces and have begun to build a new world since then... 

Part of my anxiety yesteday was leading up to this moment.  I knew that today I would be having a test done, in fact I'm sitting in the waiting room right now, listening for my name to be called.  I've told myself for the last week that "it's probably nothing", but then again, that's what I said to myself when we learned of our abnornal bloodwork with the quad marker last summer... after all, even with the abnormal results, we still had an 84/85 chance that our baby would be born "normal", those are pretty good odds.... Hopefully, with my new sensitivity to medical issues, I'm overreacting, but I feel really anxious to find out that I'm okay... I think it's partly because before Luke, it always seemed like those things (whatever "those" and "things" are) happened to other people.  Now I know that those things don't discriminate.  We are all susceptible and this could be my turn.  Not to be dark and mysterious about what's up, as this isn't usually me, but I don't feel okay disclosing the details via Blogger and since there probably isn't even anything wrong, I don't think this is the time to go there....

I guess what I want my message to be is this: we don't know when, if, how or why "those" "things" will happen.  Because of that, it is of utmost importance that we live each day to it's greatest potential.  Love, hug, be honest and work hard.  I know someone who is constantly referring to their "legacy" in reference to property and assets - My opinion is that's not what this life is all about.  It's about caring for one another, and most importantly, it's about getting to heaven, meeting our maker and living an eternal life...

So go ahead and "roll those windows down and cruise"....

A happy update... Everything was okay today and I can rest easy now!

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