04 February 2014

Momma Time

My interest in photography has been rejuvenated over the last few days... it's something that I've set aside for the last few weeks because we've just been too busy for me to have any time to myself.  I need an outlet and a place to unwind with quiet thoughts.  

Tonight, I've stolen myself away from the hustle and bustle of the busy upstairs where Dustin's giving the boys their baths and I've been working on practicing some editing techniques I learned over the weekend.  The photo below is one that I took during a Christmas celebration.  It's one that I passed over the last time that I worked on photos, but tonight it just spoke to me so I pulled it into the editor and started working on it.  

I just love the way that this child reaches me.  Those eyes and that intense, trusting gaze.  He's truly a special gift that we've been sent from above!